Hi E'body, I'm just curious about why Zope is being used in the FSF India website work.
I personally think the use of Apache/PHP with Postgres would be far better in the results -- especially with heavy loads on the server.
I haven't used Zope . So some of my comments may be wrong.
The design and look of a webpage are as important as the content it holds. I think a few php hacks can be done to deliver the correct format for the appropriate browser. (templatising html for browsers). Also this will allow separation of the logic & presentation layer.
Even otherwise the advantages of Mixing HTML with php is a very good way to reduce SQL load. Also writing PHP Scripts is no big deal.
A *lot* of freesoftware php tools are running round sf.net & savannah which may solve many of our problems.
Some of php's special mentions include the phplib, phpwiki, phpnuke, phpgroupware......
Also I think Arun might be able to get a copy of what I would call phpGnuke from the FreeDevelopers.net -- with the gifs removed. I have a floating GNU + Fsf India that could easily become a Freedom Matters logo.
Also if we use phpnuke we'll have to use mysql (sic) -- But the savings on work is unimaginable. Why reinvent the wheel ?. All in all the look surpasses SquishDot anyday !.
I had the stuff all configured (almost all...) on my box, way back in January. I'm attatching a reduced screenshot .