On Sat, 6 Jul 2002 12:51:17 +0530 (IST), "Rajendra Shastrakar(Raj)" wrote:
About Business Directory.Yes I'm working on it.Will get it working by this monday.
In case you have not already finalized the fields for each entry, kindly consider the following fields:
1. Name of the firm / company
2. Website URL
While listing the entries, 1 & 2 can be merged using an HREF anchor.
3. Postal address with sub-fields for city and state to facilitate geographical categorization
4. Nature of business, services offered
5. Name of the contact person
6. Contact e-mail address
Again, while listing, 5 & 6 can be merged using an HREF.
Please see http://www.symonds.net/~fsug-kochi/bizdir/bizdir.html for example.
Thanks and regards, Khuzaima