There seems to be a tiny bit of confusion. I didn't say I would webmaster the website. I'll built it such that others(including myself) can maintain/webmaster it, much like the squishdot kinds allows us to. And by maintainence I mean articles, news and other content can be posted/edited/deleted with a web interface. I haven't used phpnuke, squishdot, etc. But I guess it would be tricky to have it generate HTML like the website. Those applications tend to have the same 3 column look which I find very boring. All the dynamic magic they do is great but they're used too much and often when a custom backend is not feasible and there's no idea for a particular look'n'feel for the website. If we can build a backend that is simple and does exactly what we want it to do, why use squishdot's backend which might be complex to customise. I don't understand what kind of 'php guru' would make something that others can't maintain. Is there a plan about what the website is going to contain. I hope I'm more clear. Thank You, Vinay Pawar, Pune.
On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 17:11:41 +0530 "Nagarjuna G." wrote:
Regarding webapplications listed above and your comment, I must say that I disagree. Reason: It is important to have a collaborative site which is maintainable by a group of people, instead of one web master. Suppose if the webmaster leaves, we will be in no position to maintain the site, because the backend is not known. When we use applications we follow a standard, and the content can be syndicated. The reason why we want to use a product like squishdot is for this purpose. Content grows by collaboration, classified, searcheable, catalogued, syndicatable, automatic linking, not from one single page, but from all over the site etc. In what sense it is boring is not clear to me.
I am also not in favour of toomany custom applications for FSF-Site. Using a general application is beeter. An example comes to my mind. the web site was done in php, and most stuff was customized by one php guru. After he left the site was down for months. That should not happen to us.
................. Nagarjuna